Thursday, September 10, 2020

Learning linear regression

The answers for the exercise in the previous post are 81,73,84. Now

In the previous post we discussed how predictions are obtained from linear regression when both the weights and the input features are known. So we are given the inputs and the weight, and we can produce the predicted output.

When we are given the inputs and the outputs for a number of items, we can find the weights such that the predicted output matches the actual output as well as possible. This is the task solved by machine learning.


Continuing the shopping analogy, suppose we were given the contents of a number of shopping baskets and the total bill for each of them, and we were asked to figure out the price of each of the products (potatoes, carrots, and so on). From one basket, say 1kg of sirloin steak, 2kg of carrots, and a bottle of Chianti, even if we knew that the total bill is 35€, we couldn't determine the prices because there are many sets of prices that will yield the same total bill. With many baskets, however, we will usually be able to solve the problem.

But the problem is made harder by the fact that in the real world, the actual output isn’t always fully determined by the input, because of various factors that introduce uncertainty or “noise” into the process. You can think of shopping at a bazaar where the prices for any given product may vary from time to time, or a restaurant where the final damage includes a variable amount of tip. In such situations, we can estimate the prices but only with some limited accuracy.

Finding the weights that optimize the match between the predicted and the actual outputs in the training data is a classical statistical problem dating back to the 1800s, and it can be easily solved even for massive data sets.

Visualizing linear regression

A good way to get a feel for what linear regression can tell us is to draw a chart containing our data and our regression results. As a simple toy example our data set has one variable, the number of cups of coffee an employee drinks per day, and the number of lines of code written per day by that employee as the output. This is not a real data set as obviously there are other factors having an effect on the productivity of an employee other than coffee that interact in complex ways. The increase in productivity by increasing the amount of coffee will also hold only to a certain point after which the jitters distract too much.

When we present our data in the chart above as points where one point represents one employee, we can see that there is obviously a trend that drinking more coffee results in more lines of code being written (recall that this is completely made-up data). From this data set we can learn the coefficient, or the weight, related to coffee consumption, and by eye we can already say that it seems to be somewhere close to five, since for each cup of coffee consumed the number of lines programmed seems to go up roughly by five. For example, employees who drink around two cups of coffee per day seem to produce around 20 lines of code per day, and similarly at four cups of coffee, the amount of lines produced is around 30.

It can also be noted that employees who do not drink coffee at all also produce code, and is shown by the graph to be about ten lines. This number is the intercept term that we mentioned earlier. The intercept is another parameter in the model just like the weights are, that can be learned from the data. Just as in the life expectancy example it can be thought of as the starting point of our calculations before we have added in the effects of the input variable, or variables if we have more than one, be it coffee cups in this example, or cigarettes and vegetables in the previous one.

The line in the chart represents our predicted outcome, where we have estimated the intercept and the coefficient by using an actual linear regression technique called least squares. This line can be used to predict the number of lines produced when the input is the number of cups of coffee. Note that we can obtain a prediction even if we allow only partial cups (like half, 1/4 cups, and so on).

Let's study the link between the total number of years spent in school (including everything between preschool and university) and life expectancy. Here is data from three different countries displayed in a figure represented by dots:

We have one country where the average number of years in school is 10 and life expectancy is 57 years, another country where the average number of years in school is 13 and life expectancy is 53 years, and a third country where the average number of years in school is 20 and life expectancy is 80 years.

You can drag the end points of the solid line to position the line in such a way that it follows the trend of the data points. Note that you will not be able to get the line fit perfectly with the data points, and this is fine: some of the data points will lie above the line, and some below it. The most important part is that the line describes the overall trend.

After you have positioned the line you can use it to predict the life expectancy.

Given the data, what can you tell about the life expectancy of people who have 15 years of education? Important: Notice that even if you can obtain a specific prediction, down to a fraction of a year, by adjusting the line, you may not necessarily be able to give a confident prediction. Take the limited amount of data into account when giving your answer.

It should be pointed out that studies like those used in the above exercises cannot identify causal relationships. In other words, from this data alone, it is impossible to say whether studying actually increases life expectancy through a better-informed and healthier life-style or other mechanisms, or whether the apparent association between life expectancy and education is due to underlying factors that affects both. It is likely that, for example, in countries where people tend to be highly educated, nutrition, healthcare, and safety are also better, which increases life expectancy. With this kind of simple analysis, we can only identify associations, which can nevertheless be useful for prediction.



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