Saturday, May 28, 2022

String methods

We will cover some of the most commonly found methods -

str.capitalize(): Returns a copy of the string with only the first character capitalized and all others lowercase.

str.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]): Returns True if the string ends with the specified suffix; otherwise, returns False. To look for multiple suffixes, a tuple can be used. The optional start is the index to start the search at, and the optional end is the ending index.

str.format(*args, **kwargs): Conducts a string formatting operation. This has been shown previously in other examples. There are many additional parameters that can be used with string formatting, so the official documentation should be referenced. On an additional note, the *args and **kwargs arguments are frequently found in the Python documentation. They simply indicate what types of arguments are accepted by a function or method. For *args, any argument passed in will be processed; **kwargs indicates key=value arguments are accepted. Naturally, if the argument passed in is not known, an error will be generated.

str.isalpha(): Returns True if all characters in the string are alphabetic. There are also methods for alphanumeric, numbers, ASCII-only, lowercase, and so on, checks.

str.ljust(width[, fillchar]): Returns a string that is left-justified with a length of width. By default, any extra space is padded with space characters, but fillchar can be used to provide alternative characters.

str.lower(): Returns a copy of the string that is all lowercase.

str.splitlines([keepends]): Returns a list of the individual lines within a string, as determined by common line separator characters.

The line breaks themselves are not included, unless keepends is True.

str.strip([chars]): Returns a copy of the string with the lead and trailing characters removed. By default, all whitespace is removed, but the optional chars argument can specify specific characters to remove.

str.title(): Returns a copy of the string in title case. Due to the algorithm used, apostrophe characters can cause problems with the expected output, so a review of the documentation is suggested prior to use.

As strings are simply specialized lists, they also have access to all the sequence methods listed in Sequence methods. Please note that these are not all the special methods available to strings.the full list can be found in the Python documentation.


Thursday, May 26, 2022

Sequence methods

The following methods are common to most sequence types, such as lists, tuples, sets, and strings, except where indicated:

  • x in seq: True if an item within the sequence is equal to x; otherwise, False is returned. This also applies to a subset of a sequence, such as looking for a specific character within a string.
  • x not in seq: True if no item within the sequence is equal to x; otherwise, False is returned.
  • seq1 + seq2: Concatenates two sequences; if immutable sequences, a new object is created.
  • seq * n: Adds a sequence to itself n times.
  • seq[i]: Returns the i'th item of a sequence, with the first object's index value = 0.
  • seq[i:j]: Returns a slice of the sequence, from i (inclusive) to j (exclusive). Not available with sets.
  • seq[i:j:k]: Returns a slice of the sequence, from i (inclusive) to j (exclusive), skipping every k values. Not available with sets.
  • len(seq): Returns the length of a sequence; that is, the number of items within the sequence.
  • min(seq): Returns the smallest item in a sequence.
  • max(seq): Returns the largest item in a sequence.
  • seq.index(x[, i[, j]]): Returns the index value for the first occurrence of value x in a sequence; optionally, the first occurrence at or after index value i but before index j. Not available with sets.
  • seq.count(x): Returns the total number of occurrences of x in a sequence. Not available with sets.

The following methods are common to all mutable sequence types, such as lists and strings, except where indicated:

  • seq[i] = x: Item i within a sequence is replaced with x.
  • seq[i:j] = iter: A slice of seq, from i (inclusive) to j (exclusive), is replaced with the contents of iterable object iter. Not available with sets.
  • del seq[i:j]: Deletes the given slice in seq. Not available with sets.
  • seq[i:j:k] = iter: A slice of the sequence, from i (inclusive) to j (exclusive), skipping every k values, is replaced by the contents of iter. Not available with sets.
  • del seq[i:j:k]: Deletes a slice of seq, skipping every k value. Not available with sets.
  • seq.append(x): Appends x to the end of seq. Not available with sets; use set.add(x) instead.
  • seq.clear(): Deletes all contents of seq.
  • seq.copy(): Makes a new copy of seq.
  • seq.extend(iter): Extends the sequence with the contents of iter.
  • Not available with sets; use set.union(*others) instead.
  • seq *= n: Updates the sequence with n copies of itself. Not available with sets.
  • seq.insert(i, x): Inserts item x into the sequence at index value i.
  • seq.pop([i]): Returns the item at index i and removes it from the sequence.
  • s.remove(x): Deletes the first item from seq that equals x.
  • s.reverse(): Reverses the sequence in-place.

Next we'll cover the string methods.


Monday, May 23, 2022


Sets are unordered collections of hashable objects; in other words, each object is unique. Sets are commonly used to see if a collection of objects contains a particular item, remove duplicates from a sequence, and compute a variety of mathematical operations.

Sets look like dictionaries, in that curly braces {} are used to create a set. However, unlike dictionaries, sets only have values; there are no key names within a set.

The following example shows how to create a set:

knights_set = {"Sir Galahad", "Sir Lancelot", "Sir Robin"}

Sets are also like dictionaries in that the objects they contain are unordered, and it is likely that calling a set will show a different order of objects compared to what was originally set.

There are actually two types of sets: set and frozenset. A regular set is mutable, in that it can be modified in-place. A frozenset is immutable and cannot be altered after creation. Therefore, a frozenset can be used as a dictionary key, like a tuple, but a regular set cannot.

Operations that are specific to sets and frozensets generally provide a way to quickly compare and shift out common/uncommon items between the different sets. Examples of the following methods can be seen in the next screenshot. The following non-exhaustive listing of set methods is an example of the more common set methods.

However, be sure to review the official Python documentation as there are some differences between set and frozenset methods:

there are some differences between set and frozenset methods:

  1. set1.isdisjoint(set2): Returns True if set1 has no elements in common with set2
  2. set1.issubset(set2): Returns True if every element in set1 exists in set2
  3. set1 < set2: Returns True if set1 is a true subset of set2 but not exactly equal to set2
  4. set1.issuperset(set2): Returns True if every element in set2 is in set1
  5. set1 > set2: Returns True if set1 is a true superset of set2 but not exactly equal to set2
  6. set1.union(set2, set3, ...): Returns a new set that includes elements from all given sets
  7. set1.intersection(set2, set3, ...): Returns a new set with all common elements between the given sets
  8. set1.difference(set2, set3, ...): Returns a new set with elements that exists in set1 but are not in any others
  9. set1.symmetric_difference(set2): Returns a new set with elements that are unique to each set
  10. set1.copy(): Returns a new set with a copy of the elements from set1

The following screenshot shows an example of set method:

Lines 104 and 105 create two different sets. Lines 106-110 are self explanatory, based on the previous definitions.

With line 111, we create a new set by merging set1 with set2. Line 112 shows a returned, empty set because there are no common elements between the two sets.

Line 113 shows the elements that exist in set1 but not set2, while line 114 shows all the unique elements.

Finally, line 115 presents a copy of set1; normally, this would be assigned to a new variable for later use.

In the next post we will discuss some of the more common methods available to Python data types.


Friday, May 20, 2022

Tuple unpacking

To create a tuple, we simply create a variable and assign items to it, separated by commas. The term for this is packing a tuple, because the data is packed into the tuple, all wrapped up and ready to go. To remove items from a tuple, you simply unpack it, as shown in the following screenshot:

In line 60, the tuple is packed with a sequence of numbers, and in line 61, the items in the tuple (the numbers) are unpacked and assigned to individual variables. Lines 62-65 demonstrate that each number has been assigned to separate variables.

Line 66 shows the same thing, except the tuple parentheses, have been dropped to show that they aren't necessary.

Tuple unpacking is nice when you have a lot of items to work with. Rather than having a separate variable for each item, you can pack them all into a tuple and work with that. When you need to, you can unpack the tuple and work with the individual items directly.

One benefit of tuple packing/unpacking is that you can swap items in place. With other languages, you have to create the logic to swap variables; with tuples, the logic is inherent in the data type, as shown in the following screenshot:

Tuple unpacking and in-place swapping is one of the neatest features of Python, in my opinion. Rather than creating the logic to pull each item from a collection and place it in its own variable, tuple unpacking allows you to do everything in one step. In-place swapping is also a shortcut; you don't need to create temporary variables to hold the values as you switch places.

Next topic of discussion will be Sets.


Wednesday, May 18, 2022


The final built-in data type is the tuple. Python tuples work exactly like Python lists except they are immutable; that is, they can't be changed in place. They are normally written inside parentheses to distinguish them from lists (which use square brackets), but as you'll see, parentheses aren't always necessary; however, a comma is always required, as expressions can use parentheses too. Since tuples are immutable, their length is fixed. To grow or shrink a tuple, a new tuple must be created.

Since parentheses can surround expressions, you have to show Python when a single item is actually a tuple by placing a comma after the item. A tuple without parentheses can be used when a tuple is unambiguous. However, it's easier to just use parentheses than to screenshot out when they're optional.

Tuples typically store heterogeneous data, similar to how lists typically hold homogeneous data. It's not a hardcoded rule but simply a convention that some Python programmers follow. Because tuples are immutable, they can be used to store different data about a certain thing. For example, a contact list could conceivably be stored within a tuple; you could have a name and address (both strings) plus a phone number (integer) within a data object.

The biggest thing to remember is that standard operations, such as slicing and iteration, return new tuple objects. Commonly, lists are used for everything except when a developer doesn't want a collection to change. It cuts down on the number of collections to think about; plus, tuples don't let you add new items to them or delete data. You have to make a new tuple in those cases.

There are a few times when you simply have to use a tuple because your code requires it. However, a lot of times you never know exactly what you're going to do with your code and having the flexibility of lists can be useful.

So why use tuples? Apart from sometimes being the only way to make your code work, there are few other reasons to use tuples:

Tuples are processed faster than lists. If you are creating a constant set of values that won't change, and you need to simply iterate through them, use a tuple.

The sequences within a tuple are essentially protected from modification. This way, you won't accidentally change the values, nor can someone misuse an API to modify the data. (An API is an application programming interface. It allows programmers to use a program without having to know the details of the whole program.)

Tuples can be used as keys for dictionaries. One possible use of this is a crude inventory system, such as the following screenshot:

Tuples are great when you want to return multiple values from a function. Normally, you can only return a single value from a function. If you return a tuple, however, multiple items can be placed into a single tuple object, so you aren't violating the single value rule, because it is a single tuple, yet you still get all the items that are contained in the tuple.

In the next post we'll see how to create Tuples.


Monday, May 16, 2022

Working with dictionaries

There are a large number of methods that can be used with dictionaries. We won't talk about all of them, but some of the more common ones are shown in the following screenshot:

Line 36 checks to see whether a specified key exists within the dictionary.

Line 37 returns all the items that exist within the dictionary—both keys and their associated values. For more flexibility, you can look for just a dictionary's keys (line 38) or just the values (line 39).

To remove entries within a dictionary, you can delete single items, as demonstrated in line 40. To remove all entries in dictionary d1, you would use the d1.clear() method .

Since dictionaries are changeable, you can add and delete values to them without creating a new dictionary object, as shown in lines 23 and 40. Adding a new object to a dictionary only requires making a new key and value, whereas lists will return an index out-of-bounds error if the offset is past the end of the list. Therefore, you must use append() to add values to lists but simply make new key value entries for dictionaries.

The following screenshot is a more realistic dictionary example. The following example creates a table that maps programming language names (the keys) to their creators (the values). You fetch a creator name by indexing on the language name:

From this example, you might notice that the last command is similar to string and list iteration using the for command. However, you'll also notice that, since dictionaries aren't sequences (that is, the stored items are indexed by keyword and not position), you can't use the standard for statement. You must use the keys() method to return a list of all the keys which you can then iterate through like a normal list.

You may have also noticed that dictionaries can act like light weight databases. The preceding example creates a table, where the programming language column is matched by the creator's row. If you have a need for a database, you might want to consider using a dictionary instead. If the data will fit, you will save yourself a lot of unnecessary coding and reduce the headaches you would get from dealing with a full-blown database. Granted, you don't have the flexibility and power of a true database, but for quick-and-dirty solutions, dictionaries will suffice. 

There are a few key points about dictionaries that you should be aware of:

Sequence operations don't work. As previously stated, dictionaries are mappings, not sequences. Because there's no order to dictionary items, functions such as concatenation and slicing don't work.

Assigning new indexes adds entries. Keys can be created when making a dictionary (that is, when you initially create the dictionary) or by adding new values to an existing dictionary. The process is similar and the end result is the same.

Keys can be anything immutable. The previous examples showed keys as string objects, but any non-mutable object (such as numbers) can be used for a key. Numbers can be used to create a list-like object but without the ordering. Tuples are sometimes used to make compound keys; class instances that are designed not to change can also be used if needed. 


Friday, May 13, 2022


Python lists, as previously shown, are ordered collections that use a numerical offset. To select an item in a list, you need to know its position within the list. Python dictionaries are unordered collections of objects, matched to a key name; in other words, you can reference an item simply by knowing its associated key.

Because of their construction, dictionaries can replace many typical search algorithms and data  structures found in C and related languages. For those coming from other languages, Python dictionaries are just like a hash table or associative array, where an object is mapped to a key name.

Dictionaries include the following properties:

  • They are accessed by a key, not an offset. Each item in the dictionary has a corresponding key; the key is used to call the item.
  • Stored objects are in a random order to provide faster lookup. When created, a dictionary stores items in a particular order that makes sense to Python, but may not make sense to the developer.
  • To get a value, simply supply the key. If you need to order the items within a dictionary, there is a container called OrderedDict that was added in Python 2.7, but it has to be imported from the collections library.
  • Dictionaries are variable-length, can hold objects of any type (including other dictionaries), and support deep nesting (multiple levels of items can be in a dictionary, such as a list within a dictionary within another dictionary).
  • They are mutable but can't be modified like lists or strings. They are the only data type that supports mapping; that is, a key is linked to a value.

Internally, a dictionary is implemented as a hash table. As previously stated, you create dictionaries and access items through a key. The key can be of any immutable type, such as a string, number, or tuple; basically, anything that can't be changed. Each key's associated value can be any type of object, including other dictionaries. The basic use of dictionaries is displayed in the following screenshot:

Line 19 creates the dictionary. Note that the brackets for dictionaries are curly braces, the separator between a key word and its associated value is a colon, and that each key:value is separated by a comma. In this example, the first mapping is a string to a string, the second is a string to an integer, and the last is a list to an integer.

Line 20 shows how to see how many items are contained within a dictionary. This value is only the number of mappings, not the individual keys/values contained within the dictionary.

Line 21 returns the value associated with the key cow. If you want to add a new item, you have to use the format in line 23—the name of the dictionary, followed by the new key within square brackets, and then what that key is equal to. If you try to make a new dictionary entry by trying to directly map the value to its key through a colon character (line 22), you will get an error.

After the new entry is created in line 23, we can verify it is there by simply calling the dictionary (line 24). Values in dictionary entries are completely accessible; in the case of line 25, we can increment the integer value by directly adding 1 to the appropriate key.

Compare this to lines 21 and 23. In line 21, calling the key returned its associated value. In line 23, adding the = sign to a key made a new dictionary entry. Thus, line 25 acts like a combination of those two—it gets the value associated to a key, and then makes a new dictionary entry by performing an operation on the value. In this case, we are simply adding 1 to the value, and then reassigning it as the key's associated value. Line 26 returns the entire dictionary to show that the new value associated with the chicken key has been incremented from 3 to 4.

In the next post we'll look into methods that can be used with dictionaries.


Thursday, May 12, 2022


As mentioned several times, one of the special things about lists is that they are mutable; that is, they can be modified in place without creating a new object. The big concern with this is remembering that, if you do this, it can affect other references to it. However, this isn't usually a large problem; it's more of something to keep in mind if you get program errors.

The following screenshot is an example of changing a list using index offset, slicing, and deleting elements:

Line 12 changes the value for the element at index 1 (second position in the list). Line 14 swaps out the first two elements for new values. Line 16 deletes the first element; removing multiple elements through slicing is also allowed.

Next to lists, dictionaries are one of the most useful data types in Python, this we'll cover in coming posts.


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Adding list elements

Adding new items to a list is extremely easy. You simply tell the list to add them, as shown in the  following screenshot. This also demonstrates how any item can be placed in a list, even disparate data types:

The append() method simply adds a single item to the end of a list; it's different from concatenation since it takes a single object and not a list. The append() method changes the list in-place and doesn't create a brand new list object, nor does it return the modified list. To view the changes, you have to expressly call the list object again, as shown in line 3. So be aware of that in case you are confused about whether the changes actually took place.

If you want to put the new item in a specific position in the list, you have to tell the list which position it should be in; that is, you have to use the index of what the position is. This is demonstrated in line 4 of the previous screenshot.

You can add a second list to an existing one by using the extend() method. Essentially, the two lists are concatenated (linked) together, as shown in the following screenshot:

Be aware that there is a distinct difference between extend() and append(). The extend() function takes a single argument, which is always a list, and adds each of the elements of that list to the original list; the two lists are merged into one. The append() function takes one argument, which can be any data type, and simply adds it to the end of the list; you end up with a list that has one element, which is the appended object.

Compare line 10 in the following screenshot to line 8 in the previous screenshot. Whereas appending the new_l list to the original list simply added each item from new_l to the original, essentially increasing the number of elements, when extending the exact same new_l list to the original, the entire list object was added, rather than the individual elements.

One of the special things about lists is that they are mutable, this we'll discuss in the  next post


Monday, May 9, 2022


Lists in Python are one of the most versatile collection object types available. The other workhorses are dictionaries and tuples, but they are really more like variations of lists. Python lists do the work of most of the data collection structures found in other languages, and since they are built in, you don't have to worry about manually creating them. Lists can be used for any type of object, from numbers and strings to other lists. They are accessed just like strings (since strings are just specialized lists), so they are simple to use. Lists are variable in length; that is, they grow and shrink automatically as they're used, and they can be changed in place; that is, a new list isn't created every time, unlike strings. In reality, Python lists are C arrays inside the Python interpreter and act just like an array of pointers.

The following screenshot shows the creation of a list and a few examples of how to use it:

After the list is created in line 42, lines 43 and 44 show different ways of getting the values in a list; line 43 returns the list object while line 44 actually prints the items that are in the list. The difference is subtle, but will be more noticeable with more complicated code.

Line 45 returns the first item in the list, while line 46 pops out the last item. Returning an item doesn't modify the list, but popping an item does, as shown in line 47, where the list is visibly shorter.

The biggest thing to remember is that lists are series of objects written inside square brackets, separated by commas. Dictionaries and tuples will look similar except they have different types of brackets.

Lists are most often used to store homogeneous values; that is, a list usually holds names, numbers, or other sequences that are all one data type. They don't have to; they can be used with whatever data types you want to mix and match. It's just usually easier to think of a list as holding a standard sequence of items.

The most common use of a list is to iterate over the list and perform the same action to each object within the list, hence the use of similar data types. This simple iteration is shown in the following screenshot:

Line 48 defines the list as a sequence of string values. Line 49 creates a for loop that iterates through the list, printing out a phrase for each item.

Lines 50 and 51 show alternative ways of iterating through and creating lists. This method is called list comprehension and is frequently found in code as a shortcut to writing a normal for loop to make a new list. Line 51 demonstrates that additional information can be provided to the returned values, much like the values returned in line 49.

One thing to note right now, however, is that you can use whatever word for the placeholder that you want; that is, if you wanted to use the name number instead of item in the preceding examples, you can do that. This is key because it was a weird concept for me when I first encountered it in Python. In other languages, loops like this are either hardwired into the language and you have to use its format or you have to expressly create the x value beforehand so you can call it in the loop. Python's way is much easier because you can use whatever name makes the most sense.

In the next post we'll further explore lists and see how new items are added to a list.


Friday, May 6, 2022

Combining and separating strings

Strings can be combined (joined or concatenated) and separated (split) quite easily. Tokenization is the process of splitting something up into individual tokens; in this case, a sentence is split into individual words. When a web page is parsed by a browser, the HTML, JavaScript, and any other code in the page is tokenized and identified as a keyword, operator, variable, and so on. The browser then uses this information to display the web page correctly, or at least as well as it can.

Python does much the same thing. The Python interpreter tokenizes the source code and identifies the parts that are part of the actual programming language and the parts that are data. The individual tokens are separated by delimiters, characters that actually separate one token from another. If you import data into Excel or another spreadsheet program, you will be asked what it should use as a delimiter: a  comma, tab, space, and so on. Python does the same thing when it reads the source code.

In strings, the main delimiter is a whitespace character, such as a tab, a newline, or an actual space. These delimiters mark off individual characters or words, sentences, and paragraphs. When special formatting is needed, other delimiters can be specified by the programmer.

String concatenation was demonstrated in Basic string operations. An alternative way to combine strings is by joining them. Joining strings combines the separate strings into one string. The catch is that it doesn't concatenate the strings; the join() method creates a string in which the elements of a string sequence are joined by a given separator. The following screenshot demonstrates this action. Line 29 is a normal concatenation; the results are printed in line 31. Line 30 joins string 1 with string 2, with the results in line 32: 

As you can see, the results are not what you expect. The join() method is actually designed to be used to create a string where the individual characters are separated by a given separator character. The following screenshot demonstrates this more common use of join():

After a sequence of strings is created in line 35 (known as a tuple, and explained further in Tuples), the join() method is called in two different ways. Line 36 is a simple call of the function itself; the result is a string, with the quotation marks shown. Line 37 is the print() function calling join(); the resultant string is printed normally, without the quote marks.

Finally, splitting strings separates them into their component parts. The result is a list containing the individual words or characters. The following screenshot shows two ways to split a string: 

In line 39, the default split is performed, resulting in the string being split at the spaces between words. Line 41 performs the string split on the commas, though essentially any character can be used.


Thursday, May 5, 2022

String formatting

Formatting strings is simply a way of presenting the information on the screen in a way that conveys the information best. Some examples of formatting are creating column headers, dynamically creating a sentence from a list or stored variable, or stripping extraneous information from the strings, such as excess spaces.

Python supports the creation of dynamic strings. This means you can create a variable containing a value of some type (such as a string or number) and then call that value into your string. You can process a string the same way as in C if you choose to, such as %d for integers and %f for floating-point numbers.

The following screenshot shows this legacy method of formatting strings. Lines 1 and 2 define the substitution values that will be used.

Line 3 creates the string that will be output. Note that the substitution values are identified by position, as well as the fact that, when using an interactive Python session, the interpreter will patiently wait until all required information is presented. In this case, an extra parenthesis is added to complete the print() function:

Since Python 2.6, an alternate way of formatting strings is to use a method call, shown in the following screenshot. Line 21 shows positional substitution, line 22 shows keyword substitution, and line 23 shows relative position substitution. Relative position may be the most common, but it can get out of hand with more than just a few substitutions.

The following screenshot shows an example of method string formatting:

Method string formatting is similar to the C# method, but it hasn't replaced the expression formatting. While the expression formatting is deprecated, it is still available in Python 3. However, method formatting provides more capabilities, so expression formatting is primarily found in legacy code. It's worth pointing out that, while you can frequently get the output you desire by calling the string object directly (as demonstrated in the previous example), it doesn't always work the way you want. Sometimes the object will only return a memory address, particularly if you are trying to print an instance of a class. Generally speaking, it's better to explicitly call the print() function if you want a statement evaluated and printed out. Otherwise, you don't know exactly what value it will return.

This is all about string formatting, next we'll discuss about combining and separating strings.


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Indexing and slicing strings

Python strings functionally operate the same as Python lists, which are basically C arrays (see the Lists section). Unlike C arrays, characters within a string can be accessed both forward and backward. Frontward, a string starts off with a position of 0 and the character desired is found through an offset value (how far to move from the beginning of the string). However, you also can find this character by using a negative offset value from the end of the string.

The following screenshot briefly demonstrates this:

Line 30 creates a string variable, and then line 31 requests the characters at position 0 (the very first entry of the string), as well as the second character from the end of the string.

Indexing is simply telling Python where a character can be found within the string. Like many other languages, Python starts counting at 0 instead of 1. So the first character's index is 0, the second character's index is 1, and so on. It's the same counting backward through the string, except that the last letter's index is -1 instead of 0 (since 0 is already taken). Therefore, to index the final letter, you would use -1, the second-to-last letter is -2, and so on. Knowing the index of a character is important for slicing.

Slicing a string is basically what it sounds like: by giving upper and lower index values, we can slice the string into sections and pull out just the characters we want. A great example of this is when processing an input file where each line is terminated with a newline character; just slice off the last character and process each line.

The following screenshot demonstrates how string slicing works in more detail.

You'll note in the previous screenshot that the colon symbol is used when indicating the slice. The colon acts as a separator between the upper and lower index values. If one of those values is not given, Python interprets that to mean that you want everything from the index value to the end of the string. In the preceding example, the first slice is from index 1 (the second letter, inclusive) to index 3 (the fourth letter, exclusive). You can consider the index to actually be the space before each letter; that's why the letter m isn't included in the first slice but the letter p is. 

The second slice is from index 1 (the second letter) to the end of the string. The third slice starts as the beginning of the string and includes everything except the last character.

One neat feature about the [:-1] index: it works on any character, not just letters or numbers. So if you have a newline character (\n), you can put [:-1] in your code to slice off that character, leaving you with just the text you care about.

You'll see that entering -1 as the ending value makes it easy to find the end of a string. You could, alternatively, use len(S) to get the length of the string, and then use that to identify the last value, but why bother when [:-1] does the same thing?

You could also use slicing to process command-line arguments by filtering out the program name. When the Python interpreter receives a program to process, the very first argument provided to the OS is the name of the program. By slicing out the first argument, we can capture the real arguments for processing.

For example, the following code shows how Python can automatically strip out the program's name from a list of arguments passed in to the operating system:

1 import sys

2 if len(sys.argv) > 1: # Check if arguments are provided

3 entered_value = sys.argv[1:] # Capture all arguments except program name

Next we'll discuss about string formatting.


Tuesday, May 3, 2022


Strings in programming are simply text; either individual characters, words, phrases, or complete sentences. They are one of the most common elements to use when programming, at least when it comes to interacting with the user. Because they are so common, they are a native data type within Python, meaning they have many powerful capabilities built in. Unlike other languages, you don't have to worry about creating these capabilities yourself. 

Strings in Python are different than in most other languages. First off all, there are no char types, only single character strings (char types are single characters, separate from actual strings, used for memory conservation). Strings also can't be changed in-place; a new string object is created whenever you want to make changes to it, such as concatenation. This means you have to be aware that you are not manipulating the string in memory; it doesn't get changed or deleted as you work with it. You are simply creating a new string each time.

Empty strings are written as two quotes with nothing in between. The quotes used can be either single or double; my preference is to use double quotes, since you don't have to escape the single quote to use it in a string. That means you can write a statement like the following:

"And then he said, 'No way', when I told him."

If you want to use just one type of quote mark all the time, you have to use the backslash character to escape the desired quote marks so Python doesn't think it's at the end of the phrase, like this:

"And then he said, \"No way\", when I told him."

Triple quoted blocks are for strings that span multiple lines. Python collects the entire text block into a single string with embedded newline characters. This is good for things like writing short paragraphs of text; for example, instructions, or for formatting your source code for clarification.

Basic string operations

The + and * operators are overloaded in Python, letting you concatenate (join together) and repeat string objects, respectively.

Overloading is just using the same operator to do multiple things, based on the situation where it's used; you'll also see the term polymorphism. For example, the + symbol can mean addition when two numbers are involved or, as in this case, combining strings.

Concatenation combines two (or more) strings into a new string object, whereas repeat simply repeats a given string a given number of times.

The following screenshot demonstrates some of the Python operators that are overloaded. Line 21 shows string concatenation: the combining of multiple strings into a new, single string. In this case, the + operator is overloaded to combine strings but, when used with numbers (line 22), the operator will provide the sum of the values.

Note that in line 23, trying to use the + operator with a number and a string results in an error, as Python doesn't know how to process that command. The error indicates that trying to use the + operator to combine an integer number with a text string won't work, because Python doesn't know whether you want to add two numbers or concatenate two strings. Therefore, the error states that combining the two data types is unsupported.

Line 24 shows the * operator used with a string to return multiple copies of that string in a new, combined string. Line 25 shows normal mathematical use of the * operator, returning the product of two numbers:

Because Python doesn't know how to combine a string with a number, you can explicitly tell Python that a number should be a string through the str() function, as shown in the following screenshot. This is similar to casting values in C/C++. It informs Python that the number is not an integer or floating-point number but is, in reality, a text representation of the number. Just remember that you can no longer perform mathematical functions with it; it's strictly text:

Iteration in strings is a little different than in other languages. Rather than creating a loop to continually go through the string and print out each character, Python has a built-in type for iteration, utilizing a for loop.

Python accepts a given sequence and then performs one or more actions to each value within the sequence.

The following screenshot provides a demonstration of this:

Line 27 assigns a string variable. In line 28, Python is sequentially going through the myjob variable and printing each character that exists in the string. By default, the print() function assigns a newline character to the end of each item that is printed. In this case, since we want to print each character that is in the lumberjack string, each character will be printed on a separate line.

If you want to print the results on a single line, you'll have to do a little printing manipulation. As a function, print() has some additional parameters available; in this case, we can use the end keyword as a print() argument, as shown in line 29, where the end parameter (with no value) has been added. This tells Python that there should be no ending character inserted after printing an individual character, resulting in everything being printed on a single line. 

In the next post we'll cover Indexing and slicing strings. 
