Wednesday, September 9, 2020


The difference between classification and regression

There is a small but important difference in the kind of predictions that we should produce in different scenarios. While for example the nearest neighbor classifier chooses a class label for any item out of a given set of alternatives (like spam/ham, or 0,1,2,...,9), linear regression produces a numerical prediction that is not constrained to be an integer (a whole number as opposed to something like 3.14). So linear regression is better suited in situations where the output variable can be any number like the price of a product, the distance to an obstacle, the box-office revenue of the next Star Wars movie, and so on.

The basic idea in linear regression is to add up the effects of each of the feature variables to produce the predicted value. The technical term for the adding up process is linear combination. The idea is very straightforward, and it can be illustrated by your shopping bill.

Thinking of linear regression as a shopping bill

Suppose you go to the grocery store and buy 2.5 kg potatoes, 1.0 kg carrots, and two bottles of milk. If the price of potatoes is 2€ per kg, the price of carrots is 4€ per kg, and a bottle of milk costs 3€, then the bill, calculated by the cashier, totals 2.5 × 2€ + 1.0 × 4€ + 2 × 3€ = 15€. In linear regression, the amount of potatoes, carrots, and milk are the inputs in the data. The output is the cost of your shopping, which clearly depends on both the price and how much of each product you buy.

The word linear means that the increase in the output when one input feature is increased by some fixed amount is always the same. In other words, whenever you add, say, two kilos of carrots into your shopping basket, the bill goes up 8€. When you add another two kilos, the bill goes up another 8€, and if you add half as much, 1kg, the bill goes up exactly half as much, 4€.

Coefficients or weights

In linear regression terminology, the prices of the different products would be called coefficients or weights (this may appear confusing since we measured the amount of potatoes and carrots by weight, but not let yourself be tricked by this). One of the main advantages of linear regression is its easy interpretability: the learned weights may in fact be more interesting than the predictions of the outputs.

For example, when we use linear regression to predict the life expectancy, the weight of smoking (cigarettes per day) is about minus half a year, meaning that smoking one cigarette more per day takes you on the average half a year closer to termination. Likewise, the weight of vegetable consumption (handful of vegetables per day) has weight plus one year, so eating a handful of greens gives every day gives you on the average one more year.

Suppose that an extensive study is carried out, and it is found that in a particular country, the life expectancy (the average number of years that people live) among non-smoking women who don't eat any vegetables is 80 years. Suppose further that on the average, men live 5 years less. Also take the numbers mentioned above: every cigarette per day reduces the life expectancy by half a year, and a handful of veggies per day increases it by one year.

Calculate the life expectancies for the following example cases:

For example, the first case is a male (subtract 5 years), smokes 8 cigarettes per day (subtract 8 × 0.5 = 4 years), and eats two handfuls of veggies per day (add 2 × 1 = 2 years), so the predicted life expectancy is 80 - 5 - 4 + 2 = 73 years.

GenderSmoking (cigarettes per day)Vegetables (handfuls per day)Life expectancy (years)

Your task: Enter the correct value as an integer (whole number) for the missing sections A, B, and C above.

We'll see the answers in the next post.



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