Friday, February 7, 2020

Benefits of AI

Some of the benefits of AI include firstly, greater efficiency. AI brings a new level of efficiency to the use of resources. Machine learning can extract meaning from large and complex data sets. AI can therefore see patterns and anomalies in data that humans cannot. Consider cancer detection, for example. Human specialists can recognise several hundred malignant patterns in a cancer scan, whereas AI can recognise thousands. 

Secondly, great accuracy. In recent years, AI has been able to analyse complex weather patterns and climate data, which can result in more accurate climate forecasts and, consequently, in the prevention of natural disasters, such as tornadoes and hurricanes. This is important, as it means that we can be aware of natural disasters coming and have more time to respond or minimise their impact.

Thirdly, better experiences for customers. Using AI, a business can improve the way it interacts with its customers. This could involve things like customer experience through chat bots and digital assistants, who are available 24/7 to converse with customers. It could also mean that in hospitals, for example, AI can focus on the manual and repetitive tasks such as understanding a patient's medical history by reading through all the historical records, while nurses focus on a more human side of their jobs, like forming close interpersonal relationships with patients. AI has also led to other really fun and innovative solutions.

In certain hotels, using an app, hotel guests are now able to check-in to their hotel simply by using their fingerprints or by taking a selfie.These are hugely impressive strides forward. However, it should not be interpreted to mean that human expertise will no longer be needed. The very best results are still achieved when human experts work hand in hand with AI, each bringing the best of their unique capabilities to a problem.

Key Benefits of AI. For more information click to open the PDF  


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