Thursday, February 6, 2020

Artificial Intelligence vs Automation

The terms Artificial Intelligence and Automation are frequently used interchangeably. They both relate to software, physical robots, and other machines that allow us to be more efficient and effective. However the complexity levels of the two systems are very different.
Image result for Artificial Intelligence vs Automation"
Automation is making something run by itself with little or no interaction from humans by following patterns and rules to perform repetitive tasks.
Automation is everywhere and is used in everyday life without you even realising it. When you receive a reminder email or text message for a specific appointment, this will most likely be an automated response, set up in a system beforehand. For example, when you book an appointment with the dentist and receive an email before your appointment, this is likely to be an automated response. This has made work simpler and easier for businesses, whilst offering its customers a more personalised experience. It has also allowed staff to have more time to dedicate to more interpersonal tasks, such as talking to customers and understanding their problems, as the forgetful and repetitive tasks (such as sending out a reminder email), are already taken care of!
Artificial Intelligence is used to assist humans in non-repetitive tasks to find patterns, learn from experiences and then using machine learning choose the correct responses. Unlike Automation, it does not follow orders or rules.
Artificial Intelligence is used to provide insights. For example, imagine someone has a head injury and needs to determine the level of damage. An AI machine could help diagnose the degree of damage by being ‘trained’ on multiple X-rays of previous head injuries. It would then understand the severity of the current head injury and provide an informed result. This could help doctors provide their overall diagnosis for the patient a lot quicker, as they would already have gained the insight on the severity of the injury from the AI machine and would therefore have a better understanding of the patient’s condition before doing their checks

1 comment:

  1. very useful information that you share about AI. keep sharing. keep it up.
    Web Design in Pakistan
