Some of the benefits of AI include firstly, greater efficiency. AI brings a new level of efficiency to the use of resources. Machine learning can extract meaning from large and complex data sets. AI can therefore see patterns and anomalies in data that humans cannot. Consider cancer detection, for...
Friday, February 7, 2020
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Artificial Intelligence vs Automation
The terms Artificial Intelligence and Automation are frequently used interchangeably. They both relate to software, physical robots, and other machines that allow us to be more efficient and effective. However the complexity levels of the two systems are very different.
Automation is making...
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Behind the scenes of AI: Act and Learn
This is about enabling a machine to take decisions in a physical or digital world based on the AI's understanding of what is required. Through this process, the AI can continuously learn, improve the outcomes, and become better at doing the task. It can continuously optimise the performance by learning...
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Behind the scenes of AI: Comprehend
AI enables a machine to understand the information it collects through pattern recognition, such as finding patterns in social media posts on fraudulent behaviours for insurance claims. This is very similar to how humans interpret information by understanding the patterns presented and their contexts....
Monday, February 3, 2020
Behind the scenes of AI: Sense
We like to think about artificial intelligence as a set of technologies that allows machines and systems to sense, comprehend, act, and learn. Let's talk in a little bit more detail about these capabilities and the technologies behind them. Let's start with the first capability, sense. When we talk...