Thursday, August 31, 2023

OpenCV basics continued...Draw a Line

cv2.line() function is used to draw a line segment between start point and end point.

Create a function draw_line() to wrap the cv2.line() function, and set default values for color, thickness and line_type, when this function is invoked later don’t have to specify these parameters because these default values will be used.

1 def draw_line(image, start, end,

2 color=(255,255,255),

3 thickness=1,

4 line_type=cv2.LINE_AA):

5 cv2.line(image, start, end, color, thickness, line_type)

Call this function to draw a line,

7 # Draw a line

8 draw_line(canvas,

9 start=(100, 100),

10 end=(canvas.shape[1]-100, canvas.shape[0]-100),

11 color=(10, 10, 10),

12 thickness=10)

The result looks like Figure shown below-



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