Friday, October 21, 2022

Execution and utility modules

For historical reasons, execution modules go in the file roots _modules subdirectory. Similar to execution modules, they are also synchronized when state.highstate is applied and when explicitly synchronized via saltutil. sync_all.

As an example, let’s write an execution module to delete several files to simplify the state module.

def multiremove(files):

for fname in files:


Note that Salt is usable in execution modules as well. However, while it can cross-call other execution modules (in this example, file) it cannot cross-call into state modules.

You put this code in _modules/multifile, and you can change the state module to have


instead of

for fname in mean_files:


Execution modules are often simpler than state modules, as in this example. In this toy example, the execution module barely does anything except coordinate calls to other execution modules.

This is not completely atypical, however. Salt has so much logic for managing machines that all an execution module often has to do is coordinate calls to other execution modules. 


When writing several execution or state modules, sometimes there is common code that can be factored out.

This code can sit in utility modules under the root file _utils directory. It is available as the __utils__ dictionary.

As an example, you can factor out the calculation of the return value in the state module.

def return_value(name, old_files):

if len(old_files) == 0:

comment = "No changes made"

result = True

elif __opts__['test']:

comment = f"{name} will be changed"

result = None


comment = f"{name} has been changed"

result = True

changes = dict(old=old_files, new=[])

return dict(






You get a simpler state module if you use the execution module and the utility modules.

def enforce_no_mean_files(name):

mean_files = __salt__['files.find'](name,


if len(mean_files) == 0 or __opts__['test']:

return __utils__['removal.return_value']

(name, mean_files)


return __utils__['removal.return_value'](name,mean_files)

In this case, you could have put the function as a regular function in the module. Putting it in a utility module was used to show how to call functions in utility modules.

Sometimes it is useful to have third-party dependencies, especially when writing new state and execution modules. This is straightforward to do when installing a minion. You just make sure to install the minion in a virtual environment with those third-party dependencies.

When using Salt with SSH, this is significantly less trivial. In that case, it is sometimes best to bootstrap from SSH to a real minion. One way to achieve that is to have a persistent state in the SSH minion directory and have the installation of the minion set a grain of completely_disable in the SSH minion. This would ensure that the SSH configuration does not crosstalk with the regular minion configuration.



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