Monday, September 12, 2022

Using Salt

There are a few ways to use Salt.

  • Locally: Run a local command that takes the desired steps.
  • SSH: The server will ssh into clients and run commands that take the desired steps.
  • Native protocol: Clients connect to the server and take whatever steps the server instructs them.

Using the ssh mode removes the need to install a dedicated client on the remote hosts since, in most configurations, an SSH server is already installed. However, Salts native protocol for managing remote hosts has several advantages.

It allows the clients to connect to the server, thus simplifying discovery. All you need for discovery is just for clients to the server. It also scales better. Finally, it allows you to control which Python modules are installed in the remote client, which is sometimes essential for Salt extensions.

If some Salt configuration requires an extension that needs a custom module, you can take a hybrid approach. Use the SSH-based configuration to bring a host to the point where it knows where the server is and how to connect to it, and then specify how to bring that host to the desired configuration.

This means there are two parts to the server: one that uses SSH to bring up the system to a basic configuration which, among other things, has a Salt client, with the second part waiting for the client to connect to send the rest of the configuration.

This has the advantage of solving the secret bootstrapping problem. You verify the client hosts SSH key using a different mechanism, and when connecting to it via Salt, inject the Salt secret to allow the host to connect to it.

When you choose the hybrid approach, there needs to be a way to find all machines. When using some cloud infrastructure, it is possible to do this using API queries; however, you need to make it accessible to Salt if you get this information.

This is done using a roster. The roster is a YAML file. The top level is the logical machine name, which is important since this is how the machine is addressed using Salt.

In ideal circumstances, all parameters are identical for the machines. The user is the SSH user. The sudo boolean states whether sudo is needed, which is almost always true. The only exception is if it is an administrative user (usually root). Since it is a best practice to avoid SSH as root, this is set to True in most environments.

The priv field is a path to the private key. Alternatively, it can be agent-forwarding to use SSH agent. This is often a good idea since it presents an extra barrier to key leakage.

The roster can go anywhere, but Salt looks for it in /etc/salt/roster by default. Putting this file in a different location is subtle. salt-ssh finds its configuration, by default, from /etc/salt/master. Since the usual reason to put the roster elsewhere is to avoid touching the /etc/salt directory, you usually need to configure an explicit master configuration file using the -c option.

Alternatively, a Saltfile can be used. salt-ssh looks to a Saltfile in the current directory for options.


config_dir: some/directory

If you put in the value. In config_dir, it looks in the current directory for a master file. You can set the roster_file field in the master file to a local path (for example, roster) to make sure the entire configuration is local and locally accessible. This can help if a version control system is managing things.

After defining the roster, it is useful to check that the Salt system is functioning. It is also possible to run the commands to test Salt locally.



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