Friday, September 30, 2022

Salt Formats

So far, the example SLS files were YAML files. However, Salt interprets YAML files as Jinja templates of YAML files. This is useful for customizing fields based on grains or pillars.

For example, the name of the package containing the things you need to build Python packages differs between CentOS and Debian. The following SLS snippet shows how to target different packages to different machines in a heterogeneous environment.

{% if grains['os'] == 'CentOs' %}


{% elif grains['os'] == 'Debian' %}


{% endif %}


- installed

It is important to notice that the Jinja processing step is completely ignorant of the YAML formatting. It treats the file as plain text, does the formatting, and then Salt uses the YAML parser on the result. This means that Jinja can make an invalid file only in some cases. Indeed, you embedded such a bug in the preceding example. If the OS is neither CentOS nor Debian, the result would be an incorrectly indented YAML file, which fails to parse in strange ways.

To fix it, you want to raise an explicit exception.

{% if grains['os'] == 'CentOs' %}


{% elif grains['os'] == 'Debian' %}


{% else %}

{{ raise('Unrecognized operating system',

grains['os']) }}

{% endif %}


- installed

This raises an exception at the right point if a machine is added to the roster that is not one of the supported distributions. Otherwise, the YAML would be incorrectly formatted. In that case, the symptom would be that Salt would complain a parse error the YAML file, making it harder to troubleshoot the issue.

Such care is important whenever doing something non-trivial with Jinja because the two layers, the Jinja interpolation, and the YAML parsing, are not aware of each other: Jinja does not know it is supposed to produce YAML, and the YAML parser does not know what the Jinja source looked like.

Jinja supports filtering to process values. Some filters are built into Jinja, but Salt extends them with a custom list. Among the interesting filters is YAML_ENCODE. Sometimes you need to have a value in the .sls file, which is YAML itself; for example, the content of a YAML configuration file that you need to be copied over.

Embedding YAML in YAML is often unpleasant; special care must be given to proper escaping. With YAML_ENCODE, it can encode values written in the native YAML.

For a similar reason, JSON_ENCODE_DICT and JSON_ENCODE_LIST are useful for systems that take JSON as input. The list of custom filters is long, and this is one of the frequent things that changes from release to release. The canonical documentation is on the Salt documentation site,, under Jinja → Filters.

Until now, we referred to SLS files as files that are processed by Jinja and then YAML; however, this is inaccurate. It is the default processing, but it can override the processing with a special instruction. Salt only cares that the final result is a YAML-like (or, equivalently in our case, JSON-like) data structure: a dictionary containing recursively dictionaries, lists, strings, and numbers.

Converting the text into such a data structure is called rendering in Salt parlance. This is opposed to common usage, where rendering means transforming to text and parsing means transforming from text, so it is important to note when reading Salt documentation.

A thing that can do rendering is a renderer. It is possible to write a custom renderer, but the most interesting is the py renderer among the built-in renderers.



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