Monday, July 11, 2022

Tabular form of data

We know that data must be processed in order to be structured in tabular form. The pandas library also has structured data within it that follow this particular form of ordering the individual data. Now the questions is, why this data structure?

The tabular format has always been the most used method to arrange and organize data. Whether for historical reasons or for a natural predisposition of human rationality to arrange the data in the form of a table, we find the tabular format historically in the collection of the first scientific data written by hand in previous centuries, and in the accountants’ accounts of the first merchants and banks, which in current technologies have internal database tables storing terabytes of data.

Even calendars, recipe ingredients, and other simple things in everyday life follow this structure. The tabular format is simply the information presented in the form of a table with rows and columns, where the data is divided and sorted following the classification logic established by the headings on the rows and columns.

But it is not just a historical question. The reason for the widespread use of this form of organizing data is mainly due to the characteristics that make it ideal for calculating, organizing, and manipulating a large amount of data. They are also easily readable and understandable, even for those with no analysis experience. 

It is no coincidence that most of the software used in offices makes use of tools for entering,  calculating, and saving data in tabular form. A classic example is spreadsheets, of which the most popular of all is Microsoft Excel.

We'll have a quick look at spreadsheets in the next post.



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