Monday, February 28, 2022

Standard modules

Python comes with a library of over 200 standard modules. The exact number varies from one distribution to the other. These modules can be imported into your program. The list of these modules is very extensive but only a few commonly used modules are mentioned here as an example of standard modules:

• math: This module provides mathematical functions for arithmetic operations.

• random: This module is helpful to generate pseudo-random numbers using different types of distributions.

• statistics: This module offers statistics functions such as mean, median, and variance.

• base64: This module provides functions to encode and decode data.

• calendar: This module offers functions related to the calendar, which is helpful for calendar-based computations.

• collections: This module contains specialized container data types other than the general-purpose built-in containers (such as dict, list, or set). These specialized data types include deque, Counter, and ChainMap.

• csv: This module helps in reading from and writing to comma-based delimited files.

• datetime: This module offers general-purpose data and time functions.

• decimal: This module is specific for decimal-based arithmetic operations.

• logging: This module is used to facilitate logging into your application.

• os and os.path: These modules are used to access operating system-related functions.

• socket: This module provides low-level functions for socket-based network communication.

• sys: This module provides access to a Python interpreter for low-level variables and functions.

• time: This module offers time-related functions such as converting to different time units.



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