Sunday, September 13, 2020

What are neural networks?

Artificial neural network - Wikipedia

A neural network can mean either a “real” biological neural network such as the one in your brain, or an artificial neural network simulated in a computer. Isolated from its fellow-neurons, a single neuron is quite unimpressive, and capable of only a very restricted set of behaviors. When connected to each other, however, the system resulting from their concerted action can become extremely complex. To find evidence for this, look no further than (to use legal jargon) "Exhibit A": your brain! The behavior of the system is determined by the ways in which the neurons are wired together. Each neuron reacts to the incoming signals in a specific way that can also adapt over time. This adaptation is known to be the key to functions such as memory and learning.

Other key terminologies include:

Deep learning

Deep learning refers to certain kinds of machine learning techniques where several “layers” of simple processing units are connected in a network so that the input to the system is passed through each one of them in turn. This architecture has been inspired by the processing of visual information in the brain coming through the eyes and captured by the retina. This depth allows the network to learn more complex structures without requiring unrealistically large amounts of data.

Neurons, cell bodies, and signals

A neural network, either biological and artificial, consists of a large number of simple units, neurons, that receive and transmit signals to each other. The neurons are very simple processors of information, consisting of a cell body and wires that connect the neurons to each other. Most of the time, they do nothing but sit still and watch for signals coming in through the wires.

Dendrites, axons, and synapses

In the biological lingo, we call the wires that provide the input to the neurons dendrites. Sometimes, depending on the incoming signals, the neuron may fire and send a signal out for the other neurons to receive. The wire that transmits the outgoing signal is called an axon. Each axon may be connected to one or more dendrites at intersections that are called synapses.

Why develop artificial neural networks?

The purpose of building artificial models of the brain can be neuroscience, the study of the brain and the nervous system in general. It is tempting to think that by mapping the human brain in enough detail, we can discover the secrets of human and animal cognition and consciousness.

However, even while we seem to be almost as far from understanding the mind and consciousness, there are clear milestones that have been achieved in neuroscience. By better understanding of the structure and function of the brain, we are already reaping some concrete rewards. We can, for instance, identify abnormal functioning and try to help the brain avoid them and reinstate normal operation. This can lead to life-changing new medical treatments for people suffering from neurological disorders: epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, problems caused by developmental disorders or damage caused by injuries, and so on.

We’ve drifted a little astray from the topic of the course. In fact, another main reason for building artificial neural networks has little to do with understanding biological systems. It is to use biological systems as an inspiration to build better AI and machine learning techniques. The idea is very natural: the brain is an amazingly complex information processing system capable of a wide range of intelligent behaviors (plus occasionally some not-so-intelligent ones), and therefore, it makes sense to look for inspiration in it when we try to create artificially intelligent systems.

Neural networks have been a major trend in AI since the 1960s. We’ll return to the waves of popularity in the history of AI in the final part. Currently neural networks are again at the very top of the list as deep learning is used to achieve significant improvements in many areas such as natural language and image processing, which have traditionally been sore points of AI.


1 comment:

  1. This post is copied without permission from the Elements of AI course which is copyrighted material. Please remove it. Original source:
