Monday, August 17, 2020

Series Methods

DataAnalysis with Python pandas - .head() and .tail() method of ...

Let’s first get a series of the “Age” column from our scientists dataframe.

# get the 'Age' column
ages = scientists['Age']


Rosaline Franklin 37
William Gosset 61
Name: Age, dtype: int64

Numpy is a scientific computing library that typically deals with numeric vectors. Since a Series can be
thought of as an extension to the numpy.ndarray, there is an overlap of attributes and methods. When we have a vector of numbers, there are common calculations we can perform.


The mean, min, max, and std are also methods in the numpy.ndarray.5 Some Series methods are
listed below:

  • append Concatenates two or more Series
  • corr Calculate a correlation with another Series*
  • cov Calculate a covariance with another Series*
  • describe Calculate summary statistics*
  • drop_duplicates Returns a Series without duplicates
  • equals Determines whether a Series has the same elements
  • get_values Get values of the Series; same as the values attribute
  • hist Draw a histogram
  • isin Checks whether values are contained in a Series
  • min Returns the minimum value
  • max Returns the maximum value
  • mean Returns the arithmetic mean
  • median Returns the median
  • mode Returns the mode(s)
  • quantile Returns the value at a given quantile
  • replace Replaces values in the Series with a specified value
  • sample Returns a random sample of values from the Series
  • sort_values Sorts values
  • to_frame Converts a Series to a DataFrame
  • transpose Returns the transpose
  • unique Returns a numpy.ndarray of unique values

* Indicates missing values will be automatically dropped.

Try to use these methods using our scientists dataframe. In the next post we'll discuss Boolean Subsetting in Series.



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