Monday, August 31, 2020

A classic AI problem: games


In this post, we will study a classic AI problem: games. The simplest scenario, which we will focus on for the sake of clarity, are two-player, perfect-information games such as tic-tac-toe and chess.

Example: playing tic tac toe

Maxine and Minnie are true game enthusiasts. They just love games. Especially two-person, perfect information games such as tic-tac-toe or chess. One day they were playing tic-tac-toe. Maxine, or Max as her friends call her, was playing with X. Minnie, or Min as her friends call her, had the Os. Min had just played her turn and the board looked as follows:

two kids playing tic tac toe

Max was looking at the board and contemplating her next move, as it was her turn, when she suddenly buried her face in her hands in despair, looking quite like Garry Kasparov playing Deep Blue in 1997.

Yes, Min was close to getting three Os on the top row, but Max could easily put a stop to that plan. So why was Max so pessimistic?

Game trees

To solve games using AI, we will introduce the concept of a game tree. The different states of the game are represented by nodes in the game tree, very similar to the above planning problems. The idea is just slightly different. In the game tree, the nodes are arranged in levels that correspond to each player's turns in the game so that the “root” node of the tree (usually depicted at the top of the diagram) is the beginning position in the game. In tic-tac-toe, this would be the empty grid with no Xs or Os played yet. Under root, on the second level, there are the possible states that can result from the first player’s moves, be it X or O. We call these nodes the “children” of the root node.

Each node on the second level, would further have as its children nodes the states that can be reached from it by the opposing player's moves. This is continued, level by level, until reaching states where the game is over. In tic-tac-toe, this means that either one of the players gets a line of three and wins, or the board is full and the game ends in a tie.

Minimizing and maximizing value

In order to be able to create game AI that attempts to win the game, we attach a numerical value to each possible end result. To the board positions where X has a line of three so that Max wins, we attach the value +1, and likewise, to the positions where Min wins with three Os in a row we attach the value -1. For the positions where the board is full and neither player wins, we use the neutral value 0 (it doesn’t really matter what the values are as long as they are in this order so that Max tries to maximize the value, and Min tries to minimize it).

A sample game tree

Consider, for example, the following game tree which begins not at the root but in the middle of the game (because otherwise, the tree would be way too big to display). Note that this is different from the game shown in the illustration in the beginning of this section. We have numbered the nodes with numbers 1, 2, ..., 14.

The tree is composed of alternating layers where it is either Min's turn to place an O or Max's turn to place an X at any of the vacant slots on the board. The player whose turn it is to play next is shown at the left.

game tree 1

The game continues at the board position shown in the root node, numbered as (1) at the top, with Min’s turn to place O at any of the three vacant cells. Nodes (2)–(4) show the board positions resulting from each of the three choices respectively. In the next step, each node has two possible choices for Max to play X each, and so the tree branches again.

When starting from the above starting position, the game always ends in a row of three: in nodes (7) and (9), the winner is Max who plays with X, and in nodes (11)–(14) the winner is Min who plays with O.

Note that since the players’ turns alternate, the levels can be labeled as Min levels and Max levels, which indicates whose turn it is.

Being strategic

Consider nodes (5)–(10) on the second level from the bottom. In nodes (7) and (9), the game is over, and Max wins with three X’s in a row. The value of these positions is +1. In the remaining nodes, (5), (6), (8), and (10), the game is also practically over, since Min only needs to place her O in the only remaining cell to win. In other words, we know how the game will end at each node on the second level from the bottom. We can therefore decide that the value of nodes (5), (6), (8), and (10) is also –1.

game tree 2

Here comes the interesting part. Let’s consider the values of the nodes one level higher towards the root: nodes (2)–(4). Since we observed that both of the children of (2), i.e., nodes (5) and (6), lead to Min’s victory, we can without hesitation attach the value -1 to node (2) as well. However, for node (3), the left child (7) leads to Max’s victory, +1, but the right child (8) leads to Min winning, -1. What is the value of node (3)? Think about this for a while, keeping in mind who makes the choice at node (3).

Since it is Max’s turn to play, she will of course choose the left child, node (7). Thus, every time we reach the board position in node (3), Max can ensure victory, and we can attach the value +1 to node (3).

The same holds for node (4): again, since Max can choose where to put her X, she can always ensure victory, and we attach the value +1 to node (4).

game tree 3

Determining who wins

The most important lesson in this section is to apply the above kind of reasoning repeatedly to determine the result of the game in advance from any board position.

So far, we have decided that the value of node (2) is –1, which means that if we end up in such a board position, Min can ensure winning, and that the reverse holds for nodes (3) and (4): their value is +1, which means that Max can be sure to win if she only plays her own turn wisely.

Finally, we can deduce that since Min is an experienced player, she can reach the same conclusion, and thus she only has one real option: play the O in the middle of the board.

In the diagram below, we have included the value of each node as well as the optimal game play starting at Min's turn in the root node.

game tree 4

The value of the root node = who wins

The value of the root node, which is said to be the value of the game, tells us who wins (and how much, if the outcome is not just plain win or lose): Max wins if the value of the game is +1, Min if the value is –1, and if the value is 0, then the game will end in a draw. In other games, the value may also take other values (such as the monetary value of the chips in front of you in poker for example).

This all is based on the assumption that both players choose what is best for them and that what is best for one is the worst for the other (so called "zero-sum game").

The Minimax algorithm

We can exploit the above concept of the value of the game to obtain an algorithm called the Minimax algorithm. It guarantees optimal game play in, theoretically speaking, any deterministic, two-person, perfect-information zero-sum game. Given a state of the game, the algorithm simply computes the values of the children of the given state and chooses the one that has the maximum value if it is Max’s turn, and the one that has the minimum value if it is Min’s turn.

The algorithm can be implemented using a few lines of code. However, we will be satisfied with having grasped the main idea. If you are interested in taking a look at the actual algorithm (alert: programming required) feel free to check out, for example,  Wikipedia: Minimax.

As stated above, the Minimax algorithm can be used to implement optimal game play in any deterministic, two-player, perfect-information zero-sum game. Such games include tic-tac-toe, connect four, chess, Go, etc. Rock-paper-scissors is not in this class of games since it involves information hidden from the other player; nor are Monopoly or backgammon which are not deterministic. So as far as this topic is concerned, is that all folks, can we go home now? The answer is that in theory, yes, but in practice, no.

A few more tricks are needed to manage massive game trees. Many of them were crucial elements in IBM’s Deep Blue computer defeating the chess world champion, Garry Kasparov, in 1997.

If we can afford to explore only a small part of the game tree, we need a way to stop the Minimax algorithm before reaching an end-node, i.e., a node where the game is over and the winner is known. This is achieved by using a so called heuristic evaluation function that takes as input a board position, including the information about which player’s turn is next, and returns a score that should be an estimate of the likely outcome of the game continuing from the given board position.

The minimax algorithm presented above requires minimal changes to obtain a depth-limited version where the heuristic is returned at all nodes at a given depth limit: the depth simply refers to the number of steps that the game tree is expanded before applying a heuristic evaluation function.



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