In this post, we will study a classic AI problem: games. The simplest scenario, which we will focus on for the sake of clarity, are two-player, perfect-information games such as tic-tac-toe and chess.Example: playing tic tac toeMaxine and Minnie are true game enthusiasts. They just love games....
Monday, August 31, 2020
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Interlude on the history of AI: starting from search
AI is arguably as old as computer science. Long before we had computers, people thought of the possibility of automatic reasoning and intelligence. As we already mentioned, one of the great thinkers who considered this question was Alan Turing. In addition to the Turing test, his contributions to AI,...
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Search and problem solving
Many problems can be phrased as search problems. This requires that we start by formulating the alternative choices and their consequences.Search in practice: getting from A to BImagine you’re in a foreign city, at some address (say a hotel) and want to use public transport to get to another address...