Thursday, July 30, 2020

Edge Detection

Humans, after seeing a rough sketch, can easily recognize many object types and their poses. That is why edges play an important role in the life of humans as well as in the applications of computer vision. OpenCV provides very simple and useful function called Canny()for detecting the edges.


The following example shows clear identification of the edges.

Import OpenCV package as shown:

import cv2
import numpy as np

Now, for reading a particular image, use the imread() function.

image = cv2.imread('Penguins.jpg')

Now, use the Canny () function for detecting the edges of the already read image.


Now, for showing the image with edges, use the imshow() function.

cv2.imshow(‘edges’, cv2.imread(‘‘edges_Penguins.jpg’))

This Python program will create an image named edges_penguins.jpg with edge detection.

The next post will be on face detection.


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