Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Understanding data analysis

In today's smart world, data analysis offers an effective decision-making process for business and government operations. Data analysis is the activity of inspecting, preprocessing, exploring, describing, and visualizing the given dataset. The main objective of the data analysis process is to discover the required information for decision-making. Data analysis offers multiple approaches, tools, and...

Monday, July 19, 2021

Discrete Data Versus Continuous Data

As a simple rule of thumb: discrete data is a set of values that can be counted, whereas continuous data must be measured. Discrete data can “reasonably” fit in a drop-down list of values, but there is no exact value for making such a determination. One person might think that a list of 500 values is discrete, whereas another person might think it’s continuous.For example, the list of provinces of...

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


A dataset is a source of data (such as a text file) that contains rows and columns of data. Each row is typically called a “data point”, and each column is called a “feature”. A dataset can be a CSV (comma separated values), TSV (tab separated values), Excel spreadsheet, a table in an RDMBS (Relational Database Management Systems), a document in a NoSQL database, the output from a Web service, and...