Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Class data type in Python

In object-oriented programming we write classes that represent real-world things and situations, and then create objects based on these classes. Writing a class is nothing but defining the general behavior that a whole category of objects can have. When objects are created  from the class, each...

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Python is an Object oriented language

Like other programming languages, Python language also supports object oriented programming. Object orientation can help to reduce complexity, particularly in long programs. It also encouragesprogrammers to re-use existing, tested code because it is possible to create objects that inherit themajority of their attributes and methods from an existing class, leaving the programmer to add oroverride...

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Modules in Python

While programming you might have come across with a situation where there is a function that you want to use in many programs without copying it into each program. For example the greet_emp() we made in previous post. This can be used by various departments who have newly joined employees. Thus such...